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Same song; different day

Lead Summary

Maybe, just maybe, Chickasaw County dodged a proverbial bullet.Still, enough is enough, Mother Nature. Dry out. Now.Another round of storms hit the area Tuesday night and Wednesday, and by Thursday morning, parts of the county had received an additional 2.5 inches of rainfall.But it could have been worse. Earlier in the week, forecasters said up to six to seven inches could fall from Tuesday night to Wednesday night, and that led to renewed concerns about flooding.New Hampton, though, received only 1.27 inches of rain, which might tell you something about how wet the past few months have been when we’re writing “only” after an inch-plus rainfall in early September.Farther to the east, though, folks weren’t as lucky as parts of Winneshiek County endured more flooding after 5.5 inches of rain fell Tuesday night and early Wednesday morning.Luther College officials had to call off its annual high school cross country meet scheduled for  Saturday because part of the course is under water.Unfortunately, the wet weather may not be over yet.The forecast for today [Friday] calls for showers and thunderstorms, but the good news is it appears we have a dry weekend on tap. 

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