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Officers adapt to Coronavirus

Lead Summary

Since the Coronavirus pandemic hit, experts across the world have stressed the importance of social distancing, and law enforcement personnel in Chickasaw County are doing their best to take all the precautions they can in order to limit face-to-face contact.
“As sheriff, I have, like many other people, been attending most meetings either by phone or over the computer,” Chickasaw County Sheriff Marty Hemannn said. “Administratively, we are processing almost all of our papers such as weapon permits or civil papers either online or by mail. We’ve added a drop box to our front lobby to promote social distancing.”
However, there are instances in which in-person communication is necessary. In these cases, Hemann is trying to provide essential resources for the deputies, jailers, dispatchers and civil staff to feel safe and secure. Some of these new tools include N95 masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, face shields or goggles and protective body gowns.
For more on this story see the April 28 Tribune.

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