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N-P has one of ‘those weeks’

Lead Summary

To put it simply, it just wasn’t Nashua-Plainfield’s week when it came to the baseball diamond.The Huskies dropped four games — including one in which they were leading 8-2 — and saw their record fall to 10-15.“Honestly, it was just one of those weeks,” Nashua-Plainfield coach Levi Miller said. “Nothing seemed to go right, and I guess the best thing I can say is better now than later.”The Huskies dropped an 11-1 game to Garner-Hayfield/ Ventura last Wednesday, and two nights later, they traveled to Sheffield to complete a suspended game they were leading 4-1 and play a regularly scheduled game.The Huskies built the lead to 8-2 in the suspended game before West Fork rallied for 10 unanswered runs.“We had 16 hits and still didn’t win,” Miller said. “That’s sort of sums up the week.”Details from the week may be found in the July 7 Reporter.

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